Thousands of Youth & Government teens, advisors, and volunteers from all over California gathered at the State Capitol for the 76th Model Legislature & Court conference.
The 4-day in-person conference took place on February 16-19, 2024. It was a culmination of six months of weekly meetings and training conferences where delegates developed their skills in leadership, public speaking, critical thinking, and collaboration. Our teens had an opportunity to model the state government as they debated bills and passed legislation, argued court cases, created a new state constitution, selected a state budget, and elected new officials to lead next year's program. But it wasn’t all business, social activities and free time between sessions provided our teens with countless moments to build new connections, deepen existing ones, and let loose with their fellow delegates.

Our teens greatly enjoyed the weekend and were incredible in representing their YMCAs, communities, and our Association. There were many notable accolades and accomplishments for both our teens and staff/volunteers. The most noteworthy is that the three main leadership roles for next year's program were all filled by LA Y teens! A huge shout out to the 77th Youth Governor Itzak Salazar from the Hollywood delegation, 77th Chief Justice Brooke Drew from the East Valley delegation, and 77th Secretary of State Briana Alagba from the Gardena-Carson delegation! We thank them for the courage, passion, and dedication they demonstrated throughout their campaigns and know that they will serve the program well and be a guiding light for their fellow delegates.
We also would like to highlight the Antelope Valley Family YMCA, Ann & Steve Hinchliffe San Pedro & Peninsula YMCA, Westchester Family YMCA, and Wilmington YMCA delegations for passing their bills through legislation and signing by the Youth Governor.